Für ein gesteigertes Wohlbefinden. So wird jeder Tag ein Wellnesstag! Lassen Sie sich inspirieren. Entdecke mehr über Pflanzen und Blumen! Je kunt dit het beste in de lente doen.
In deze periode is de kamerplant beter in staat om van eventuele beschadigingen te herstellen. Gebruik voor beide gevallen een pot die minimaal groter is dan de vorige. This native to the West Indies will flower in the right conditions, but these flowers are unimpressive. Dieffenbachia amoena is a very popular house plant due to its easy going nature.
It is a very popular and hardy shade-loving plant. Its leaves are large, oblong, and cream or light yellow with deep green spots and stripes in bands along the veins and border. It prefers high humidity, so do not place in front of a fan or air conditioner. After watering, the leaves become turgid and can be brittle, so hold off on watering for a few days if transportation is necessary as to not damage the leaves. It will kill your children, it will commit murder most foul and its even been known to burn down houses!
There are at least a dozen varieties, with names like D. De gaafgerande bladeren zijn langwerpig tot ovaal en omvatten de stengel. De ´ Amoena ´ is zo´n variëteit waarvan de langwerpige, ovale bladeren sterk uitgroeien. The leaves are similar to ‘Camille’, but less consistently cream-colored in the middle. Rotate the dieffenbachia houseplant regularly to provide adequate light to all sides of the plant and prevent it from reaching toward the light on one side. When growing dumbcane dieffenbachia of various cultivars, check light requirements for the particular plant.
Some dieffenbachia plants require low filtered light. Se conocen cerca de especies, alguna utilizadas frecuentemente como planta de interior debido a su tolerancia a la sombra. Plants that receive too little light or too little water will simply not grow as quickly as plants that are given proper care.

Flowers are borne on a long spadix, with male flowers on top and female flowers below. Over the years I have developed a method similar to Air layering to root the stems and keep. They can also hit your celing.
The reason for growing them as houseplant is that these plants love shade. The name Dumb Cane reflects the fact that the acrid sap will burn the mouth and numb the throat to the extent that it may even paralyze the vocal cords. The plant should not be used around small children who are likely to put things in their mouths. Ist es der Pflanze an diesem Standort zu dunkel, bildet sie nur noch kleine und unattraktive Blätter aus. Wählen Sie den Standort so aus, dass es die Grünpflanze das ganze Jahr über ausreichend warm hat.

Poisoning can occur if you eat the leaves, stalk, or root of this plant. This article is for information only. DO NOT use it to treat or manage an actual poison exposure. Es muy utilizada como planta de interior debido a su gran tolerancia a la sombra.
Tipo: Plantas de interior. West Indies), both of which have yielded colourful varieties of horticultural interest. De kofferbak is maximaal m hoog. De bladeren zijn tot m lang, donkergroen, langs de aderen op de bladeren zijn witte strepen.
Kleine dieffenbachia amoena te koop. Makkelijk te onderhouden door 1x per week beetje water te geven. Das wird der Pflanze aber viel Energie kosten.
Nach dieser Woche werden die Blüten und einige Blätter absterben. Demulcents to alleviate the irritation and soothe the membranes.
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